TELETUFFY - (noun)
Someone who won't leave the television and becomes aggressive when asked to do so.
{ From the "Urban Dictionary" online.}

Sunday, June 30, 2013

AMC - Walking Dead Marathon - July 4th

Beware The Sheriff In The Window

Hello my darling Truebies, have you missed me? 
Finally, we are into Season 6 of "True Blood". I feel like I just woke from a long zombie sleep. I did! Thank Goddrick, I have my favorite fangers to occupy my TV until "Walking Dead" starts again in October.

Initially, I was skeptical about how good this season would be so I purposefully waited to blog until I was sure I could do so without turning traitor. Two episodes in, I am sure we are safe from disappointment. You had me at RUTGER HAUER.
Most people are unaware of Rutger's true importance to Vampire fiction. My beloved Anne Rice patterned the character of Lestat after him for her books. That fact weighs highly in merit with me because I consider Ms. Rice to be a visionary and pioneer in the genre. Everyone else just takes from her.
Of course, Rutger has done Buffy and the remake of Salem's Lot for TV. But, we'll take him as a fairy for now. 
It is interesting how Salem's Lot was brought to my mind. I enjoyed the tv remake in 2004, But, I prefer the original. One of my favorite scenes in that original is when the little boy has turned into a vampire and is floating outside the window of his friend begging him to open it so he can come in a bite him. We saw a similar scene last week,in True Blood, when Eric Northman floats outside the window of the daughter of the anti vampire governor. The last scene of that episode show her glamoured and willing to open that window. Eric- 1 Governor-0.

I am enjoying the season so far. I'm still not all together sold on Bill's latest transformation. I adore The Fairy Babies and it is good to see Pam and Lafayette back to their true sassy personalities.