TELETUFFY - (noun)
Someone who won't leave the television and becomes aggressive when asked to do so.
{ From the "Urban Dictionary" online.}

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Walking Dead (S3E1) - In The Jail House Now

Season 3 of Walking Dead takes us 8 months from where we left off last season. Winter has come and gone, food is running scarce...Carl has his own firearm. The group is weary but hanging on.
The fallout from Shane's death and Lori's pregnancy is apparent. The chill and tension within the Grimes family is thick. Rick is more focused on leadership than ever before, especially after the siege at the prison. He is ambivalent to Lori and less fatherly to Carl.
The girls of the group have toughened up and learned the art of defense and weaponry. But, not so for Andrea, who is still with Michonne in a separate location battling a mystery illness that has her beholden to Michonne for care. They too are moving locations with Michonne's armless zombies on leashes.
The most intense shocking part of the evening comes in the last 5 minutes as a group of Camp Rick moves about the prison to secure it. In the maze of hallways, walker inmates chase the group and Hershel gets bit in the ankle. Rick quickly takes a hatchet and crudely amputates his leg at the knee to try and keep the virus from spreading. As he finishes, the group looks up to discover they are being watched by a group of uninflected inmates who are shocked at the carnage they just witnessed. And THAT is the fastest passing hour of TV history.
Will Hershel survive to assist Lori in the birth of a baby that may already be dead inside of her and ready to chew its way out? Who are the uninflected prisoners and how did they survive this long? WHERE IS MERL???

Stay tuned.

And don't forget to watch Talking Dead with Chris Hardwick.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

10 More Days Until We Stagger On

Thankfully, Season Three of The Walking Dead begins in 10 days. I am quite confident that it will end my disenchantment with TV in general. So many of the shows that I have enjoyed are enduring slumps either in casting or writing right now and I need spike through the eyeball into the zombie brain.
Heads up to those reading Kirkmans's annual book one out this month. It is already available for preorder on Kindle.